Собирал "Музыкальный автомат" по туториалу от Алхимика. Столкнулся с проблемой, что при запуске выбивает ошибку
error main.lua:7: attempt to call field ‘newSourse’ (a nil value)
Traceback main.lua:7: in function ‘load’
Для эксперимента я удалял звуковые файлы из архива. Однако опять же писалась та же ошибка. Такое ощущение что Love не видит звуковые файлы в архиве.
Код main.lua
local audio = love.audio local m = love.mouse local gr = love.graphics song = {} for i=1, 2 do table.insert(song, {sourse, label}) end function love.load() song[1].source = audio.newSourse("greenday.ogg") song[1].label = "Green Day - Homecoming" song[2].source = audio.newSource("adtr.ogg") song[2].label = "ADTR - Since You Been Gone" nowPlay = song[1] audio.play(nowPlay.source) songLabel = nowPlay.label bFont = gr.newFont(18) end function love.update() if nowPlay.source:isStopped() then randomSong() -- Вкл функция рандома end end function love.draw() gr.setFont(bFont) gr.setColor(255, 0, 0, 200) love.graphics.print(songlabel, 10, 150) if button("Green Day - Homecoming", 10, 20) then setSong(1) end if button("ADTR - Since You Been Gone", 10, 40) then setSong(2) end end function randomSong() nowPlay = song[math.random(2)] songLabel = nowPlay.label audio.play(nowPlay.source) end function setSong(song_num) nowPlay.source:stop() nowPlay = song[song_num] songLabel = nowPlay.label audio.play(nowPlay.source) end function button(text, x, y) mX, mY = m.getPosition() md = m.isDown('l') local w, h = bFont:getWidth(text), bFont:getHeight() local hot if mX >= x and mX <= x+w and mY >= y and mY <= y+h then gr.setColor(0, 255, 0, 255) hot = true else gr.setColor(255, 0, 0, 200) hot = false end gr.print(text, x, y) return hot and md end function love.load() fon = love.graphics.newImage("fon.png") x = 0 y = 0 speed = 0 end function love.conf(t) t.screen.width = 500 t.screen.height = 700 t.title = "DE№VER song box" t.screen.vsync = true end
Убери в пути к СДК кирилицу. +В логе четко и ясно написано что не хватает файлов конфигурации (которые должны автоматом создаться) и основных стандартных шейдеров. Криво ты установил в общем.
На главной этого сайта пока что новости нету. Поэтому временно пост размещу здесь.
CryENGINE 3 Free SDK – Build 2572 Changelog Added ability to save levels to Projects for use with CryDev Projects Database Added redundancy for logoff to prevent “Account Locked” errors Added more flexibility to login username/password allowed characters Added ability for any CryDev user to load any level within the Launcher Added support for building GameDLL using Visual C++ Express Added ability for player to switch seats in some vehicles Added Time:FrameDelay flownode to delay actions for just one frame Fixed several login and logoff crashes Fixed crash when creating new levels Fixed rare crash when deleting an Animation Graph Editor view, along with several other fixes and adjustments to Animation Graph Editor Fixed rare crash if sound system is disabled Fixed several warnings/issues specific to 64-bit Fixed issue relating to mouse and screen resolution in Launcher Fixed issue where AI wouldn’t enter vehicles Fixed issue with Material Editor jumping to different materials against users input Fixed issue with road tool not aligning correctly with edited terrain Fixed “Frozen” material layer Fixed HMMWV not loading in Vehicle Editor Fixed issue with water volume material not displaying water ripples Fixed a few misplaced objects in the Forest sample level Made several adjustments to particle system Made several fixes made to AI system Made several changes to weapon firemodes and other weapon tweaks Improved CryTif support (64-bit and newer versions of Photoshop) Adjustments made to Flowgraph editor Adjusted warning box on Sandbox startup related to NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate error, users can now ignore this warning or have the registry adjusted to fix Fixed TimeofDayTrigger and looping ToD not working correctly Fix for 16-bit float image always generate DXT5 instead of DXT1 Adjusted spawnpoint arrow/icon Fixed issue with overlapping water volumes Many fixes/improvements to Maya exporter Several updates to Abrams Tank & MH60 Blackhawk sample vehicles Adjusted motionBlur settings to provide nicer results Added several new asset additions to the Forest sample level, including things like water droplet sounds, sounds for falling debris, etc Made several beautification updates to Forest level including new textures, additional objects, new materials, etc Updated rock assets for improved collision Added rooster boid with animations Updated turtle boid animations Added LODs for several assets, chimneys, railroad tracks, drains, etc Improved several particle effects, including bullet/water impact Added 3ds Max files for railroad tracks Added new low detail texture for terrain Added several new destroyable props and replaced lamp post and power poles in Forst with destroyable versions Added new outdoor toilet asset for Forest Added pickup, pick and throw animations Made several adjustments to the Asset Browser Fixed: Potential crash if no filename is specified for a static vehicle part. Added proper warnings with references to the part and vehicle causing the problem Fixed crash on closing Vehicle Editor when the HMMWW is loaded Destroyable object pieces no longer always sink in water ("kwater" prop was applied even when unset)
Also we wanted to point out that this next build is based off the 3.3.7 version of CryENGINE 3, while the first release was based on 3.3.5. Here are the changes that were added in from 3.3.6. Please note that there may be some changes that are not relevant to the Free SDK:
3.3.6 Engine Build Changes
Renderer and 3d Engine Fix: Render error when using the check-box \"Use Terrain Color\" for vegetation Added: High resolution screenshot support Fix: Flickering shadows throughout level Fix: Issues with material reloading in engine Fix: ATI specific ocean surface aliasing artifact Fix: Water dripples Fix: Max particle pixel fill now clamped to proper screen size – moved m_Wdith / m_Height members to SParticleRenderContext. Fix: Small particle bug with animated textures Fix: Particle incorrect positioning with MoveRelEmitter on initial emission Fix: Particle sound durations: one-shots now always play to completion. Pulsed emitters don't kill sounds early Fix: Restored ability of invisible particles to spawn 2nd-gen visible particles, fixing semantics of IsActive. Fix: Simplified ParticleEmitter.GetMaterial, removed unneeded ParticleEffect.FirstActive. Fix: Allow serialization/pasting of particle effects without version number; pasting only renames effects with no previous name
CryCommon Fix: Potential crash with CryString.swap()
CryPhysics Fix: Scale on cloth entities Improve simulation parameters for the rope object Fix: Allow scale on ePT_Fixed constraints mode Fix: Issues with non-colliding (thickness 0) cloth Fix: Some issues with precomputed rope collider parts
CrySoundSystem Fix: Wrong position of the Sound Listener in the Sandbox Editor when not in-game Added: Additional information about which sound event was not found Removed obsolete CVars: pl_FootstepSoundsNormalized and pl_AnimationTriggeredFootstepSounds Fix: Not able to play sound events properly
CryAISystem Improved: car maneuvering Fix: Allow vehicles regenerate paths on the way Renamed CPipeUser::m_IsSteering to CPipeUser::IsSteeringAroundObstacle to prevent confusion when reverse-engineering vehicle maneuvering code Added: Possibility to switch AI Debug Renders at runtime Replaced: "typedef unsigned tNavCapMask;" with "typedef uint32 tNavCapMask;" Fix: Network AI Debug Draw: Switch from type size_t to uint32 Fix: Network AI Debug Draw: Add support for big endian Fix: Don't use Network AI Debug Draw on Dedicated Servers in Release Fix: Comment out deprecated CScriptBind_AI::GetGroupTarget and CScriptBind_AI::GetGroupTargetCount Fix: Stop using unsupported goalop "usecover" Removed: Unused AI perception variables Fix: AI Actor should be handled as remote client Fix: AI vehicle turret guys not always shooting you after a cp load, due to their vehicle not being correctly ignored for their sight tests Fix: AI Debug Draw Fix: AI Debug Renderer not showing in the Editor before the game start Fix: Issue moving backwards in COPTrace::ExecuteManeuver Fix: After a checkpoint reload enemies would stop tracking their target much quicker than what they should Fix: An helicopter patrolling can have the improper AI Fix: PlayerSensor and WeaponSensor to work if input entity changes during runtime Fix: Crash in CTacticalPointSystem::BoolPropertyInternal Fix: Cover surface message error when the bai file is not present. It explicitly says the file should maybe be regenerated if needed. Fix: FlowNode to calculate screen position out of entity position Fix: Improve AI debug draw goal pipe display: now shows all active goal ops rather than just the last executed one each goal op can do custom text Fix: InsertSubPipe can re-execute completed GoalOp upon return Fix: ScriptBind Add constants "InsideRange" and "OutsideRange" Fix: Console spam CGoalPipe::PushGoal - Attempting to push goalop "usecover" Fix: Goalop COPWait Fix: Serialization of goalop "timeout" Fix: CGoalPipe::PeekPopGoalResult() Fix: Goalop Wait (even XML) should always be blocking and grouped Fix: Potential crash in DelayedPipeSelection::DelayedPipeSelection Fix: DelayedPipeSelection::DelayedPipeSelection
Entity System Improved: es_DrawProximityTriggers indicates enabled/disabled and entered/exited Fix: Entity:EntityInfo low-node can check if an entity is also an AI object Fix: Translucency problem with es_DrawProximityTriggers
CryAction and GameDll Fix: Weapon State driven serialization Improved: Some cosmetic changes about pAIVisualDebugRenderer in CCryAction::ConnectCmd and CCryAction::DisconnectCmd Fix: Improve FlowActorSensor Node Added: function to get ZoomModeName to IWeapon Added: UIManager (singleton access to all game code relevant UI classes) Fix: Change HUD UIAction to use FlowActorSensor node Fix: Change HUD to display proper death message (don't show in spectator mode) Added: Minimap Nodes to FlowMinimapNodes Added: OnZoomChanged callback to IWeaponListener Added: WeaponSensorNode Fix: AIActions also prompt if it has unsaved changes Added: Display of custom picture on level load Added: New flownode to help setting mc's in screen space (0-1) Fix: Disallow pause in MP Fix: UI FlowNodes to flush all events that are used in UIAction FlowGraphs that are on the event stack Fix: gfx_reload_all command Fix: AI Actors not using player prediction code Fix: Crash in FlowActorSensor Node Fix: FlowWeaponSensor Node to receive correct name for zoom mode Fix: Potential crash on opening a Flowgraph Fix: Unregister FlowWeaponSensor from IItemSystem on unload level Fix: UIActionEvents if no level xml exists Fix: Picking up breakage pieces Fix: Client can't reload in a MP session Fix: Wrong first person muzzle flash effect Fix: Unsafe way to flush UI events in FG Fix: LocalPlayer Node does not trigger output if local player id changes Fix: HUD UIAction for MP Fix: Client not visible on Server after first spawn Fix: Client health above 100 after first spawn Fix: Health value returned from FlowActorNode to be int rather then float Fix: Crash in CanPerformPickUp Fix: Network hot fixes Fix: Disable Layer activation in MP Fix: Call IGame:Shutdown even if "ExitOnQuit" is set to 1
Scripts Updated: DestroyableObject Added: DeadBody entity properties not available in Sandbox Fix: Foley and footstep system tweak Fix: Add character sounds to Grunt_x Improved: Weapons: Binoculars, RocketLauncher Updated: Game/Scripts/AI/Coordination/Coordination.lua Fix: Changes default model of Door entity to be a door rather than a sphere
Sandbox Editor Refactored: the file change notification system, now it also reports the change type and skips duplicate notifications Removed: "Browse for Layer Texture", it is no longer supported Fix: Change FileChangeMonitor to use 32bit tick count Fix: Add context menu to all objects in editor view-port. Following items are added: "Show in Asset Browser" and "Properties". Removed: Unused UI elements from asset browser Added: New system to handle files that are not linked to the level Improved: Solid system reliability by excluding invalid data before updating a rendering data Removed: 'Use Custom Terrain size' check-box from the "Create new level" dialog Removed: "X" button does not function correctly in the Asset Browser Fix: Several leak within the file change monitor, added also clear() to MTQueue Fix: resize of the PropertiesPanel Fix: Cloud sync in LiveCreate Fix: Console hot update for CGFs Fix: Crash when sandbox is open with material editor Fix: Invalidate a HyperGraphNode without changing the "modification" state Fix: Potential crash bug when updating solid brush Fix: Crash bug happening when hiding and undoing a solid box. Fix: Crash while setting material in Updating Mesh with Solids Editor Fix: MaterialEditor layout problem on SwitchingUI twice (The actual controls were destroyed but never recreated) Added: keyboard shortcuts for particle item Enable and Enable All Fix: Spline tool-tips now show values with 3 rather than 2 digits precision, accurate for 8-bit quantization Fix: Bug about surface type drop-down menu so as for the list to have all surface items in Particle Editor Fix: Saving library creates useless Libs/ folder in root dir
3ds Max Exporter Added: MaxScript interface to exporter log Fix: Overwrite message boxes disabled when called from MaxScript Fix: set_bone_list setting node list actually Fix: Crash after Reseting a scene Fix: Animation - Subrange window doesn't stay open when you move away from the utilities tab Fix: Animation - Subrange window being unable to be resized makes it difficult to work with large names Fix: CrySkin crashes max if copy/pasted to another object Fix: NamedRanges dialog not wrapped into CNamedRangesDialog Fix: Bone selection was always reset when you click on the bone in the bone list Fix: Some of the text labels in CrySkin were wrong because of the conflicting string resource identifiers. MaxCryExport resource IDs are bumped by 2000
If you have feedback on this latest release, we'd love to hear from you and we've set up a dedicated section of the forum to make sharing information as easy as can be right here: Latest Build Feedback
NOTE: The 32-bit version of Sandbox/Launcher may not run with the latest NVidia graphics drivers. We apologize for this problem and recommend you use the 64-bit Editor/Launcher if possible. If you'd still like to use the 32-bit executables, you can download the compatible 275.33 drivers for 32-bit Windows Vista/7 here.
Вот что уже сделал мой давний знакомый на данной версии SDK.
PS.Отличное обновление,в разы повысила стабильность и я теперь бед с нехваткой ОЗУ не знаю=)
Добавлено (17.10.2011, 22:26) --------------------------------------------- PSS; Рекомендую посетить галерею скриншотов на Crydev.net Мой друг,заядлый УЕшик,сидит уронив челюсть от красоты рендера в СЕ3 =)
Возможно ты не активировал нод. Вот тут я описал как это делать. http://gcup.ru/forum/84-17916-1
Добавлено (13.10.2011, 23:11) --------------------------------------------- CCCR, В Timer ,периуд ставить надо на 0 или 0.00001 У тебя стоит 0.5 ,из за этого эффект "Пинга" будет.На пол секунды информация о количестве жизней будет задерживаться.
Итог: СЕ и УЕ на одном и том же уровне.Лишь СЕ проще в освоении,и своей простотой исполнения экономит время-самый редкий ресурс для indie (и не только) девелоперов.