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Leon510 | Дата: Суббота, 12 Апреля 2014, 05:06 | Сообщение # 1 | Тема: Torque 3d что за двиг и с чем его едят? |
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| Минусы Turque 3D: 1.Кривая физика (импортировал модель здания из гта 4,все было идеально,пока я ни подьехал к ней на машине,начинались жуткие лаги).
Плюсы: 1.Хорошая графика 2.Хорошая производительность.
Для маленьких не коммерческих игр самое то. Я давно уже им не пользуюсь,теперь работаю на cryengine 3,суперский двиг! Всем советую
Сообщение отредактировал Leon510 - Суббота, 12 Апреля 2014, 05:07 |
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Leon510 | Дата: Четверг, 20 Марта 2014, 19:32 | Сообщение # 2 | Тема: Как компилировать в .apk формат? |
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| Unity крякнута до Pro версии? Добавлено (20.03.2014, 19:32) --------------------------------------------- Судя по то му что написано,то у тебя бесплатная версия
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Leon510 | Дата: Четверг, 20 Марта 2014, 19:04 | Сообщение # 3 | Тема: Как компилировать в .apk формат? |
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| Поставь 1.7.0. такая же у меня У меня все без помех компилит,моя версия юнити 4.3.3f1. Устанавливай в стандартную директорию,ничего не меняй...Если что то вот ----- c:\program files\java (даже если вин7)Добавлено (20.03.2014, 19:04) --------------------------------------------- Попробуй в настройках юньки покопаться... Если не получится,вот ссылки на 8 версию. (попробуй еще раз) Вот x86 http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8-b132/jdk-8-windows-i586.exe А вот х64 http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8-b132/jdk-8-windows-x64.exe
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Leon510 | Дата: Четверг, 13 Марта 2014, 11:20 | Сообщение # 4 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| Ладно,все равно спс. Так как быть? Нужно сохранять всего одно значение highscore. И поверьте,многие люди ковырялись в этом куске,делали правильно,но все равно не работало. Код // GUI data int runDistance = Mathf.RoundToInt(avatar.position.x * 0.5f); if (highscore < runDistance) { highscore = runDistance; } if (prevRunDistance != runDistance) { distanceLabel.text = System.Convert.ToString(runDistance); prevRunDistance = runDistance; }
if (prevHighscore != highscore) { highscoreLabel.text = "Highscore:" + System.Convert.ToString(highscore); prevHighscore = highscore; } }
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Leon510 | Дата: Среда, 12 Марта 2014, 18:42 | Сообщение # 5 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| О'к,спосибки за то что так красочно и во всех подробностях (модераторы,я глубоко извиняюсь за выражение) об*ср*ли гейм дизайнера.
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Leon510 | Дата: Среда, 12 Марта 2014, 16:10 | Сообщение # 6 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| Хахаха,зато я dos и html хорошо знаю. echo @pause
<html> <title> Хахаха :)</title> </html>
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Leon510 | Дата: Среда, 12 Марта 2014, 01:04 | Сообщение # 7 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| Цитата Storm54 ( ) Количество не показатель качества. Уж простите меня пожалуйста,что я гейм дизайнер а не скриптер.
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Leon510 | Дата: Вторник, 11 Марта 2014, 23:41 | Сообщение # 8 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| Это потому что скрипт привязан к main camera!! И к сведенью я в скриптинге почти новичек,но все же многое умею. А насчет геймдева уже реально четвертый год идет.
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Leon510 | Дата: Вторник, 11 Марта 2014, 23:32 | Сообщение # 9 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| Я вообще то спец по многим движкам...Стаж в геймдеве уже 4 года. А основы C scharp я знаю....Я уже несколько скриптов писал для проектов.
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Leon510 | Дата: Вторник, 11 Марта 2014, 23:22 | Сообщение # 10 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| Ну,в теории. Поставите прямо в скрипт? Код using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Game : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform redBuilding; public Transform greenBuilding; public Transform avatar; public Rigidbody avatarRigidBody; public MeshRenderer avatarMeshRenderer; public TrailRenderer avatarTrailRenderer; public Rigidbody avatarDebris; public Material redMaterial; public Material greenMaterial; public Transform oldBackgroundBuildings; public Transform newBackgroundBuildings; public GUIText distanceLabel; public GUIText highscoreLabel; public GUITexture fullscreenOverlayTexture; public AudioClip[] jumpAudioClips; public AudioClip[] hitAudioClips; public AudioClip failAudioClip;
// Private const int kMaxBlockBuildings = 50; const float kMinBlockWidth = 60; const float kStartAvatarSpeed = 8.0f; const float kAvatarSpeedIncCoef = 0.05f; const float kMaxAvatarSpeed = 11.0f; const float kGravity = 30.0f; const float kBounciness = 0.2f; const float kJumpEnergyDeplitionRate = 1.0f; const float kStartingJumpEnergy = 0.8f; const float kJumpEnergyEfficiencyCoef = 50.5f; const float kJumpRotationTime = 0.4f; const float kMinJumpImpulse = 4.0f; const float kCameraFriction = 0.7f; const float kHardestMinBuildingWidth = 4.0f; const float kHardestMaxBuildingWidth = 16.0f; const float kHardestMaxSpaceWidth = 3.5f; const float kFadeToMenuTime = 0.7f; const float kMinBuildingGround = -15.0f; const float kMaxBuildingGround = 5.0f; const float kHardestMaxBuildingGroundDifference = 1.2f;
private Touch myTouch; private Touch myTouch2; public GUITexture jump; public GUITexture color; private bool touchFlag = false;
// Local Transform transformRef;
enum ElementColor { Red, Green, }
Vector3 cameraVelocity;
// Blocks Transform[] oldBlockBuildings; ElementColor[] oldBlockBuildingColors; int numberOfOldBlockBuildings; Transform[] actualBlockBuildings; ElementColor[] actualBlockBuildingColors; int numberOfActualBlockBuildings;
int activeBuildingIndex; int activeBlockIndex;
float actualBlockOffset; float actualBlockWidth; float actualBlockMinBuildingWidth; float actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth; float actualBlockMinSpaceWidth; float actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth; float actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference; float lastBuildingGround;
float jumpEnergy; bool readyForNextJump;
// Avatar float avatarYVelocity; bool avatarHasContactWithGround; ElementColor avatarColor; float jumpRotationTimer; float avatarSpeed;
// Menu float fadeToMenuTimer; int highscore; int prevRunDistance; int prevHighscore;
// Game states enum GameState { Playing, FadeToMenu, Menu, };
GameState gameState;
// Use this for initialization void Start () {
transformRef = transform;
oldBlockBuildings = new Transform[kMaxBlockBuildings]; actualBlockBuildings = new Transform[kMaxBlockBuildings]; oldBlockBuildingColors = new ElementColor[kMaxBlockBuildings]; actualBlockBuildingColors = new ElementColor[kMaxBlockBuildings];
ResetGame(); }
//static int screenshotCount = 0;
// Update is called once per frame void Update () {
/* // take screenshot on up->down transition of F9 key if (Input.GetKeyDown("f9")) { string screenshotFilename; do { screenshotCount++; screenshotFilename = "screenshot" + screenshotCount + ".png";
} while (System.IO.File.Exists(screenshotFilename));
Application.CaptureScreenshot(screenshotFilename); } */
// New blocks
if (avatar.position.x > actualBlockOffset + actualBlockBuildings[0].localScale.x) { CreateNewBlock(); }
if (gameState == GameState.Playing) {
if (Input.touchCount > 0) { myTouch = Input.GetTouch(0);
if ((jump.guiTexture.HitTest(myTouch.position)) && avatarHasContactWithGround && readyForNextJump && (myTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)) { Jump(); } if ((jump.guiTexture.HitTest(myTouch.position)) && (myTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)) { jumpEnergy = 0.0f; readyForNextJump = true; } if (Input.touchCount == 2) { myTouch2 = Input.GetTouch(1); if ((color.guiTexture.HitTest(myTouch2.position)) && (myTouch2.phase == TouchPhase.Began)) { if (avatarColor == ElementColor.Green) { avatarMeshRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarColor = ElementColor.Red; } else { avatarMeshRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarColor = ElementColor.Green; } } } else if (Input.touchCount == 1) { myTouch2 = Input.GetTouch(0); if ((color.guiTexture.HitTest(myTouch2.position)) && (myTouch2.phase == TouchPhase.Began)) { if (avatarColor == ElementColor.Green) { avatarMeshRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarColor = ElementColor.Red; } else { avatarMeshRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarColor = ElementColor.Green; } } } } }
/* // Controlling game if (gameState == GameState.Playing) {
// Jump if (Input.GetButtonDown("jump") && avatarHasContactWithGround && readyForNextJump) { Jump(); } if (Input.GetButtonUp("jump")) { jumpEnergy = 0.0f; readyForNextJump = true; }
// Switch if (Input.GetButtonDown("switch")) { if (avatarColor == ElementColor.Green) { avatarMeshRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarColor = ElementColor.Red; } else { avatarMeshRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarColor = ElementColor.Green; } } } */
else if (gameState == GameState.FadeToMenu) {
fullscreenOverlayTexture.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f * fadeToMenuTimer / kFadeToMenuTime);
fadeToMenuTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (fadeToMenuTimer >= kFadeToMenuTime) { gameState = GameState.Menu; fullscreenOverlayTexture.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); avatarRigidBody.isKinematic = true; } } else if (gameState == GameState.Menu) { if (Input.anyKeyDown) { ResetGame(); } }
// GUI data int runDistance = Mathf.RoundToInt(avatar.position.x * 0.5f); if (highscore < runDistance) { highscore = runDistance; } if (prevRunDistance != runDistance) { distanceLabel.text = System.Convert.ToString(runDistance); prevRunDistance = runDistance; }
if (prevHighscore != highscore) { highscoreLabel.text = "Highscore:" + System.Convert.ToString(highscore); prevHighscore = highscore; } }
void FixedUpdate() {
// Camera pos Vector3 cameraPosition = transformRef.position; Vector3 designatedPosition = new Vector3(avatar.position.x + 3.5f, avatar.position.y + 0.2f, cameraPosition.z); cameraVelocity += (designatedPosition - cameraPosition) * Time.deltaTime * 10.0f; cameraVelocity *= kCameraFriction; cameraPosition += cameraVelocity * Time.deltaTime * 10.0f; cameraPosition.x = avatar.position.x + 3.4f; transformRef.position = cameraPosition;
// Avatar physics if (gameState == GameState.Playing) {
// Avatar speed if (avatarSpeed < kMaxAvatarSpeed) { avatarSpeed += kAvatarSpeedIncCoef * Time.deltaTime; if (avatarSpeed > kMaxAvatarSpeed) { avatarSpeed = kMaxAvatarSpeed; } }
// Jumping
if (jump.guiTexture.HitTest(myTouch.position) && jumpEnergy > 0 && (myTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary)) { avatarYVelocity += jumpEnergy * kJumpEnergyEfficiencyCoef * Time.deltaTime; jumpEnergy -= kJumpEnergyDeplitionRate * Time.deltaTime; }
bool potentialFailCollision = (!IsAvatarInActiveBuildingColumn() && (avatar.position.y - avatar.localScale.y * 0.5f < GetNextBuildingGroundPosition()));
avatarYVelocity -= kGravity * Time.deltaTime;
Vector3 position = avatar.position; Vector3 prevPosition = position; position.x += Time.deltaTime * avatarSpeed; position.y += Time.deltaTime * avatarYVelocity; avatar.position = position;
// Rotation if (!avatarHasContactWithGround && jumpRotationTimer < kJumpRotationTime) { float t = Mathf.Sin(jumpRotationTimer / kJumpRotationTime * Mathf.PI); Quaternion rotation = avatar.rotation; rotation.z = -t * Mathf.PI * 0.15f; avatar.rotation = rotation; jumpRotationTimer += Time.deltaTime; } else { Quaternion rotation = avatar.rotation; rotation.z = 0.0f; avatar.rotation = rotation; }
float groundPosition = GetActiveBuildingGroundPosition(); if (IsAvatarInActiveBuildingColumn()) {
if (position.y - avatar.localScale.y * 0.5f < groundPosition) {
if (!avatarHasContactWithGround) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(hitAudioClips[Random.Range(0, hitAudioClips.Length)], avatar.position); }
avatarHasContactWithGround = true; jumpRotationTimer = kJumpRotationTime;
// Fail if (potentialFailCollision || GetActiveBuildingColor() != avatarColor) { FadeToMenu(); avatar.position = prevPosition; avatarRigidBody.isKinematic = false; avatarRigidBody.AddForce(new Vector3(avatarSpeed * 40.0f, avatarYVelocity * 20.0f, 0.0f)); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(failAudioClip, avatar.position); CreateFailDebris(); } // Bounce else { jumpEnergy = 0; if (avatarYVelocity < 0) { avatarYVelocity = -avatarYVelocity * kBounciness; } position.y = groundPosition + avatar.localScale.y * 0.5f; avatar.position = position; }
if (jump.guiTexture.HitTest(myTouch.position) && readyForNextJump && (myTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary)) { Jump(); } } } else { avatarHasContactWithGround = false; } } }
void FadeToMenu() {
gameState = GameState.FadeToMenu; fullscreenOverlayTexture.enabled = true; fullscreenOverlayTexture.color = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); fadeToMenuTimer = 0; }
void ResetGame() {
fullscreenOverlayTexture.enabled = false;
actualBlockOffset = 0; actualBlockWidth = 0; activeBuildingIndex = 0; activeBlockIndex = 0;
actualBlockMinBuildingWidth = 18; actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth = 20; actualBlockMinSpaceWidth = 1.4f; actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth = 1.6f; actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference = 0.5f; lastBuildingGround = 0.0f;
CreateNewBlock(); CreateNewBlock();
avatarColor = oldBlockBuildingColors[0]; if (avatarColor == ElementColor.Green) { avatarMeshRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = greenMaterial; } else { avatarMeshRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = redMaterial; }
avatarSpeed = kStartAvatarSpeed; jumpEnergy = kStartingJumpEnergy; readyForNextJump = true;
avatarRigidBody.isKinematic = true; avatar.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; avatar.position = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.5f, 0.0f);
transform.position = new Vector3(8.0f, 1.2f, -30.0f);
gameState = GameState.Playing; }
void Jump() { jumpEnergy = kStartingJumpEnergy; avatarHasContactWithGround = false; jumpRotationTimer = 0; avatarYVelocity += kMinJumpImpulse; readyForNextJump = false; AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(jumpAudioClips[Random.Range(0, jumpAudioClips.Length)], avatar.position); }
void CreateNewBlock() {
// Switch BG Transform bgBuildings = oldBackgroundBuildings; oldBackgroundBuildings = newBackgroundBuildings; newBackgroundBuildings = bgBuildings;
// Update active building index if (activeBuildingIndex >= numberOfOldBlockBuildings) { activeBuildingIndex -= numberOfOldBlockBuildings; } // Delete objects in old block for (int i = 0; i < kMaxBlockBuildings; i++) { if (oldBlockBuildings[i]) { Destroy(oldBlockBuildings[i].gameObject); oldBlockBuildings[i] = null; } }
System.Array.Copy(actualBlockBuildings, oldBlockBuildings, numberOfActualBlockBuildings); System.Array.Copy(actualBlockBuildingColors, oldBlockBuildingColors, numberOfActualBlockBuildings); numberOfOldBlockBuildings = numberOfActualBlockBuildings; numberOfActualBlockBuildings = 0;
// New params if (actualBlockMinBuildingWidth > kHardestMinBuildingWidth) { actualBlockMinBuildingWidth -= 2.0f; if (actualBlockMinBuildingWidth < kHardestMinBuildingWidth) { actualBlockMinBuildingWidth = kHardestMinBuildingWidth; } }
if (actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth > kHardestMaxBuildingWidth) { actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth -= 2.0f; if (actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth < kHardestMaxBuildingWidth) { actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth = kHardestMaxBuildingWidth; } }
if (actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth < kHardestMaxSpaceWidth) { actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth += 0.5f; if (actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth > kHardestMaxSpaceWidth) { actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth = kHardestMaxSpaceWidth; } }
if (actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference < kHardestMaxBuildingGroundDifference) { actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference += 0.1f; if (actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference > kHardestMaxBuildingGroundDifference) { actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference = kHardestMaxBuildingGroundDifference; } }
actualBlockOffset += actualBlockWidth; float offset = actualBlockOffset; actualBlockWidth = 0;
bool creatingSpace = true; while (actualBlockWidth < kMinBlockWidth || !creatingSpace) {
// Space if (creatingSpace) { float spaceWidth = Random.Range(actualBlockMinSpaceWidth, actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth); offset += spaceWidth; actualBlockWidth += spaceWidth; } // Building else { if (numberOfActualBlockBuildings == kMaxBlockBuildings - 1) { break; } else { float buildingWidth = Random.Range(actualBlockMinBuildingWidth, actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth);
if (activeBlockIndex % 4 == 0) { lastBuildingGround += actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference * 0.3f; buildingWidth = actualBlockMinBuildingWidth * 1.2f; } else if ((activeBlockIndex - 2) % 4 == 0 && activeBlockIndex > 4) { lastBuildingGround -= actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference * 0.2f; buildingWidth = actualBlockMinBuildingWidth * 1.7f; } else { lastBuildingGround += Random.Range(-actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference, actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference); }
if (lastBuildingGround < kMinBuildingGround) { lastBuildingGround = kMinBuildingGround; } else if (lastBuildingGround > kMaxBuildingGround) { lastBuildingGround = kMaxBuildingGround; }
ElementColor color = (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0) ? ElementColor.Red : ElementColor.Green; Transform building = (color == ElementColor.Red ? redBuilding : greenBuilding); Transform newBuilding = (Transform)Instantiate(building, new Vector3((offset + buildingWidth * 0.5f), lastBuildingGround - 25.0f, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity); newBuilding.transform.localScale = new Vector3(buildingWidth, 50.0f, 0.2f); actualBlockBuildings[numberOfActualBlockBuildings] = newBuilding; actualBlockBuildingColors[numberOfActualBlockBuildings] = color; numberOfActualBlockBuildings++; offset += buildingWidth; actualBlockWidth += buildingWidth; } }
creatingSpace = !creatingSpace; }
Vector3 bgBuildingsPos = newBackgroundBuildings.position; bgBuildingsPos.x = actualBlockOffset + actualBlockWidth * 0.5f; newBackgroundBuildings.position = bgBuildingsPos;
Vector3 bgBuildingsScale = newBackgroundBuildings.localScale; bgBuildingsScale.x = actualBlockWidth; newBackgroundBuildings.localScale = bgBuildingsScale;
activeBlockIndex++; }
void CreateFailDebris() { for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { Vector3 pos = Random.onUnitSphere * 0.2f + avatar.position; Rigidbody debris = (Rigidbody)Instantiate(avatarDebris, pos, Quaternion.identity); debris.AddForce(new Vector3(avatarSpeed * 40.0f, avatarYVelocity * 20.0f, 0.0f)); MeshRenderer debrisMeshRenderer = debris.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); if (avatarColor == ElementColor.Green) { debrisMeshRenderer.material = greenMaterial; } else { debrisMeshRenderer.material = redMaterial; } } }
Transform GetBuildingForIdx(int buildingIdx) {
if (buildingIdx < numberOfOldBlockBuildings) { return oldBlockBuildings[buildingIdx]; } else { return actualBlockBuildings[buildingIdx - numberOfOldBlockBuildings]; } }
ElementColor GetBuildingColorForIdx(int buildingIdx) { if (buildingIdx < numberOfOldBlockBuildings) { return oldBlockBuildingColors[buildingIdx]; } else { return actualBlockBuildingColors[buildingIdx - numberOfOldBlockBuildings]; } }
Transform GetActiveBuilding() {
Transform nextBuilding = GetBuildingForIdx(activeBuildingIndex + 1); while (avatar.position.x + avatar.localScale.x * 0.5f > nextBuilding.position.x - nextBuilding.localScale.x * 0.5f) { activeBuildingIndex++; nextBuilding = GetBuildingForIdx(activeBuildingIndex + 1); } return GetBuildingForIdx(activeBuildingIndex); }
ElementColor GetActiveBuildingColor() {
Transform nextBuilding = GetBuildingForIdx(activeBuildingIndex + 1); while (avatar.position.x + avatar.localScale.x * 0.5f > nextBuilding.position.x - nextBuilding.localScale.x * 0.5f) { activeBuildingIndex++; nextBuilding = GetBuildingForIdx(activeBuildingIndex + 1); } return GetBuildingColorForIdx(activeBuildingIndex); }
Transform GetNextBuilding() {
int nextBuildingIndex = activeBuildingIndex + 1; Transform nextBuilding = GetBuildingForIdx(nextBuildingIndex); while (avatar.position.x + avatar.localScale.x * 0.5f > nextBuilding.position.x - nextBuilding.localScale.x * 0.5f) { nextBuildingIndex++; nextBuilding = GetBuildingForIdx(nextBuildingIndex); } return nextBuilding; }
bool IsAvatarInActiveBuildingColumn() {
Transform activeBuilding = GetActiveBuilding(); return (avatar.position.x - avatar.localScale.x * 0.5 < activeBuilding.position.x + activeBuilding.localScale.x * 0.5f); }
float GetActiveBuildingGroundPosition() {
Transform activeBuilding = GetActiveBuilding(); return activeBuilding.position.y + activeBuilding.localScale.y * 0.5f; }
float GetNextBuildingGroundPosition() {
Transform nextBuilding = GetNextBuilding(); return nextBuilding.position.y + nextBuilding.localScale.y * 0.5f; } }
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Leon510 | Дата: Вторник, 11 Марта 2014, 22:57 | Сообщение # 11 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| Возможно и сохраняются,но не грузятся при следующем запуске игры
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Leon510 | Дата: Вторник, 11 Марта 2014, 22:45 | Сообщение # 12 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| Понятно...
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Leon510 | Дата: Вторник, 11 Марта 2014, 22:43 | Сообщение # 13 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| Знаем... Делали с готового бесплатного проекта. Не мы весь код писали,только модефицировали.Добавлено (11.03.2014, 22:43) --------------------------------------------- Так сделаете сохранение? А? Скриптеры добрые?
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Leon510 | Дата: Вторник, 11 Марта 2014, 22:19 | Сообщение # 14 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| EchoIT, А если я скину вам исходник с игрой,то вы можете сделать сохранение highsore?
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Leon510 | Дата: Вторник, 11 Марта 2014, 21:26 | Сообщение # 15 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| Проверил на андроиде и на ипаде,не работает... Этот скрипт для сохранения в реестр,а нужен в файл.
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Leon510 | Дата: Вторник, 11 Марта 2014, 19:17 | Сообщение # 16 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| Спс,а не могли бы вы помочь с этим куском кода? Надо как то пристроить сюда PlayerPrefs.SetInt. // GUI data int runDistance = Mathf.RoundToInt(avatar.position.x * 0.5f); if (highscore < runDistance) { highscore = runDistance; } if (prevRunDistance != runDistance) { distanceLabel.text = System.Convert.ToString(runDistance); prevRunDistance = runDistance; }
if (prevHighscore != highscore) { highscoreLabel.text = "Highscore:" + System.Convert.ToString(highscore); prevHighscore = highscore; } }
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Leon510 | Дата: Вторник, 11 Марта 2014, 14:33 | Сообщение # 17 | Тема: Скриптирование |
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| Ребят,помогите с сохранением player prefs. Нужно в главном игровом скрипте сделать сохранение и загрузку текстовых данных (рекорд) любым способом,но лучше в файл. И при загрузке игры,нужно сделать считывание числа (рекорда) из файла...итд итп. Короче помогите ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! Вот скрипт: Код using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Game : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform redBuilding; public Transform greenBuilding; public Transform avatar; public Rigidbody avatarRigidBody; public MeshRenderer avatarMeshRenderer; public TrailRenderer avatarTrailRenderer; public Rigidbody avatarDebris; public Material redMaterial; public Material greenMaterial; public Transform oldBackgroundBuildings; public Transform newBackgroundBuildings; public GUIText distanceLabel; public GUIText highscoreLabel; public GUITexture fullscreenOverlayTexture; public AudioClip[] jumpAudioClips; public AudioClip[] hitAudioClips; public AudioClip failAudioClip;
// Private const int kMaxBlockBuildings = 50; const float kMinBlockWidth = 60; const float kStartAvatarSpeed = 8.0f; const float kAvatarSpeedIncCoef = 0.05f; const float kMaxAvatarSpeed = 11.0f; const float kGravity = 30.0f; const float kBounciness = 0.2f; const float kJumpEnergyDeplitionRate = 1.0f; const float kStartingJumpEnergy = 0.8f; const float kJumpEnergyEfficiencyCoef = 50.5f; const float kJumpRotationTime = 0.4f; const float kMinJumpImpulse = 4.0f; const float kCameraFriction = 0.7f; const float kHardestMinBuildingWidth = 4.0f; const float kHardestMaxBuildingWidth = 16.0f; const float kHardestMaxSpaceWidth = 3.5f; const float kFadeToMenuTime = 0.7f; const float kMinBuildingGround = -15.0f; const float kMaxBuildingGround = 5.0f; const float kHardestMaxBuildingGroundDifference = 1.2f;
private Touch myTouch; private Touch myTouch2; public GUITexture jump; public GUITexture color; private bool touchFlag = false;
// Local Transform transformRef;
enum ElementColor { Red, Green, }
Vector3 cameraVelocity;
// Blocks Transform[] oldBlockBuildings; ElementColor[] oldBlockBuildingColors; int numberOfOldBlockBuildings; Transform[] actualBlockBuildings; ElementColor[] actualBlockBuildingColors; int numberOfActualBlockBuildings;
int activeBuildingIndex; int activeBlockIndex;
float actualBlockOffset; float actualBlockWidth; float actualBlockMinBuildingWidth; float actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth; float actualBlockMinSpaceWidth; float actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth; float actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference; float lastBuildingGround;
float jumpEnergy; bool readyForNextJump;
// Avatar float avatarYVelocity; bool avatarHasContactWithGround; ElementColor avatarColor; float jumpRotationTimer; float avatarSpeed;
// Menu float fadeToMenuTimer; int highscore; int prevRunDistance; int prevHighscore;
// Game states enum GameState { Playing, FadeToMenu, Menu, };
GameState gameState;
// Use this for initialization void Start () {
transformRef = transform;
oldBlockBuildings = new Transform[kMaxBlockBuildings]; actualBlockBuildings = new Transform[kMaxBlockBuildings]; oldBlockBuildingColors = new ElementColor[kMaxBlockBuildings]; actualBlockBuildingColors = new ElementColor[kMaxBlockBuildings];
ResetGame(); }
//static int screenshotCount = 0;
// Update is called once per frame void Update () {
/* // take screenshot on up->down transition of F9 key if (Input.GetKeyDown("f9")) { string screenshotFilename; do { screenshotCount++; screenshotFilename = "screenshot" + screenshotCount + ".png";
} while (System.IO.File.Exists(screenshotFilename));
Application.CaptureScreenshot(screenshotFilename); } */
// New blocks
if (avatar.position.x > actualBlockOffset + actualBlockBuildings[0].localScale.x) { CreateNewBlock(); }
if (gameState == GameState.Playing) {
if (Input.touchCount > 0) { myTouch = Input.GetTouch(0);
if ((jump.guiTexture.HitTest(myTouch.position)) && avatarHasContactWithGround && readyForNextJump && (myTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)) { Jump(); } if ((jump.guiTexture.HitTest(myTouch.position)) && (myTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)) { jumpEnergy = 0.0f; readyForNextJump = true; } if (Input.touchCount == 2) { myTouch2 = Input.GetTouch(1); if ((color.guiTexture.HitTest(myTouch2.position)) && (myTouch2.phase == TouchPhase.Began)) { if (avatarColor == ElementColor.Green) { avatarMeshRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarColor = ElementColor.Red; } else { avatarMeshRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarColor = ElementColor.Green; } } } else if (Input.touchCount == 1) { myTouch2 = Input.GetTouch(0); if ((color.guiTexture.HitTest(myTouch2.position)) && (myTouch2.phase == TouchPhase.Began)) { if (avatarColor == ElementColor.Green) { avatarMeshRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarColor = ElementColor.Red; } else { avatarMeshRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarColor = ElementColor.Green; } } } } }
/* // Controlling game if (gameState == GameState.Playing) {
// Jump if (Input.GetButtonDown("jump") && avatarHasContactWithGround && readyForNextJump) { Jump(); } if (Input.GetButtonUp("jump")) { jumpEnergy = 0.0f; readyForNextJump = true; }
// Switch if (Input.GetButtonDown("switch")) { if (avatarColor == ElementColor.Green) { avatarMeshRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarColor = ElementColor.Red; } else { avatarMeshRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarColor = ElementColor.Green; } } } */
else if (gameState == GameState.FadeToMenu) {
fullscreenOverlayTexture.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f * fadeToMenuTimer / kFadeToMenuTime);
fadeToMenuTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (fadeToMenuTimer >= kFadeToMenuTime) { gameState = GameState.Menu; fullscreenOverlayTexture.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); avatarRigidBody.isKinematic = true; } } else if (gameState == GameState.Menu) { if (Input.anyKeyDown) { ResetGame(); } }
// GUI data int runDistance = Mathf.RoundToInt(avatar.position.x * 0.5f); if (highscore < runDistance) { highscore = runDistance; } if (prevRunDistance != runDistance) { distanceLabel.text = System.Convert.ToString(runDistance); prevRunDistance = runDistance; }
if (prevHighscore != highscore) { highscoreLabel.text = "Highscore:" + System.Convert.ToString(highscore); prevHighscore = highscore; } }
void FixedUpdate() {
// Camera pos Vector3 cameraPosition = transformRef.position; Vector3 designatedPosition = new Vector3(avatar.position.x + 3.5f, avatar.position.y + 0.2f, cameraPosition.z); cameraVelocity += (designatedPosition - cameraPosition) * Time.deltaTime * 10.0f; cameraVelocity *= kCameraFriction; cameraPosition += cameraVelocity * Time.deltaTime * 10.0f; cameraPosition.x = avatar.position.x + 3.4f; transformRef.position = cameraPosition;
// Avatar physics if (gameState == GameState.Playing) {
// Avatar speed if (avatarSpeed < kMaxAvatarSpeed) { avatarSpeed += kAvatarSpeedIncCoef * Time.deltaTime; if (avatarSpeed > kMaxAvatarSpeed) { avatarSpeed = kMaxAvatarSpeed; } }
// Jumping
if (jump.guiTexture.HitTest(myTouch.position) && jumpEnergy > 0 && (myTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary)) { avatarYVelocity += jumpEnergy * kJumpEnergyEfficiencyCoef * Time.deltaTime; jumpEnergy -= kJumpEnergyDeplitionRate * Time.deltaTime; }
bool potentialFailCollision = (!IsAvatarInActiveBuildingColumn() && (avatar.position.y - avatar.localScale.y * 0.5f < GetNextBuildingGroundPosition()));
avatarYVelocity -= kGravity * Time.deltaTime;
Vector3 position = avatar.position; Vector3 prevPosition = position; position.x += Time.deltaTime * avatarSpeed; position.y += Time.deltaTime * avatarYVelocity; avatar.position = position;
// Rotation if (!avatarHasContactWithGround && jumpRotationTimer < kJumpRotationTime) { float t = Mathf.Sin(jumpRotationTimer / kJumpRotationTime * Mathf.PI); Quaternion rotation = avatar.rotation; rotation.z = -t * Mathf.PI * 0.15f; avatar.rotation = rotation; jumpRotationTimer += Time.deltaTime; } else { Quaternion rotation = avatar.rotation; rotation.z = 0.0f; avatar.rotation = rotation; }
float groundPosition = GetActiveBuildingGroundPosition(); if (IsAvatarInActiveBuildingColumn()) {
if (position.y - avatar.localScale.y * 0.5f < groundPosition) {
if (!avatarHasContactWithGround) { AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(hitAudioClips[Random.Range(0, hitAudioClips.Length)], avatar.position); }
avatarHasContactWithGround = true; jumpRotationTimer = kJumpRotationTime;
// Fail if (potentialFailCollision || GetActiveBuildingColor() != avatarColor) { FadeToMenu(); avatar.position = prevPosition; avatarRigidBody.isKinematic = false; avatarRigidBody.AddForce(new Vector3(avatarSpeed * 40.0f, avatarYVelocity * 20.0f, 0.0f)); AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(failAudioClip, avatar.position); CreateFailDebris(); } // Bounce else { jumpEnergy = 0; if (avatarYVelocity < 0) { avatarYVelocity = -avatarYVelocity * kBounciness; } position.y = groundPosition + avatar.localScale.y * 0.5f; avatar.position = position; }
if (jump.guiTexture.HitTest(myTouch.position) && readyForNextJump && (myTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary)) { Jump(); } } } else { avatarHasContactWithGround = false; } } }
void FadeToMenu() {
gameState = GameState.FadeToMenu; fullscreenOverlayTexture.enabled = true; fullscreenOverlayTexture.color = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); fadeToMenuTimer = 0; }
void ResetGame() {
fullscreenOverlayTexture.enabled = false;
actualBlockOffset = 0; actualBlockWidth = 0; activeBuildingIndex = 0; activeBlockIndex = 0;
actualBlockMinBuildingWidth = 18; actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth = 20; actualBlockMinSpaceWidth = 1.4f; actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth = 1.6f; actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference = 0.5f; lastBuildingGround = 0.0f;
CreateNewBlock(); CreateNewBlock();
avatarColor = oldBlockBuildingColors[0]; if (avatarColor == ElementColor.Green) { avatarMeshRenderer.material = greenMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = greenMaterial; } else { avatarMeshRenderer.material = redMaterial; avatarTrailRenderer.material = redMaterial; }
avatarSpeed = kStartAvatarSpeed; jumpEnergy = kStartingJumpEnergy; readyForNextJump = true;
avatarRigidBody.isKinematic = true; avatar.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; avatar.position = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.5f, 0.0f);
transform.position = new Vector3(8.0f, 1.2f, -30.0f);
gameState = GameState.Playing; }
void Jump() { jumpEnergy = kStartingJumpEnergy; avatarHasContactWithGround = false; jumpRotationTimer = 0; avatarYVelocity += kMinJumpImpulse; readyForNextJump = false; AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(jumpAudioClips[Random.Range(0, jumpAudioClips.Length)], avatar.position); }
void CreateNewBlock() {
// Switch BG Transform bgBuildings = oldBackgroundBuildings; oldBackgroundBuildings = newBackgroundBuildings; newBackgroundBuildings = bgBuildings;
// Update active building index if (activeBuildingIndex >= numberOfOldBlockBuildings) { activeBuildingIndex -= numberOfOldBlockBuildings; } // Delete objects in old block for (int i = 0; i < kMaxBlockBuildings; i++) { if (oldBlockBuildings[i]) { Destroy(oldBlockBuildings[i].gameObject); oldBlockBuildings[i] = null; } }
System.Array.Copy(actualBlockBuildings, oldBlockBuildings, numberOfActualBlockBuildings); System.Array.Copy(actualBlockBuildingColors, oldBlockBuildingColors, numberOfActualBlockBuildings); numberOfOldBlockBuildings = numberOfActualBlockBuildings; numberOfActualBlockBuildings = 0;
// New params if (actualBlockMinBuildingWidth > kHardestMinBuildingWidth) { actualBlockMinBuildingWidth -= 2.0f; if (actualBlockMinBuildingWidth < kHardestMinBuildingWidth) { actualBlockMinBuildingWidth = kHardestMinBuildingWidth; } }
if (actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth > kHardestMaxBuildingWidth) { actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth -= 2.0f; if (actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth < kHardestMaxBuildingWidth) { actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth = kHardestMaxBuildingWidth; } }
if (actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth < kHardestMaxSpaceWidth) { actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth += 0.5f; if (actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth > kHardestMaxSpaceWidth) { actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth = kHardestMaxSpaceWidth; } }
if (actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference < kHardestMaxBuildingGroundDifference) { actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference += 0.1f; if (actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference > kHardestMaxBuildingGroundDifference) { actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference = kHardestMaxBuildingGroundDifference; } }
actualBlockOffset += actualBlockWidth; float offset = actualBlockOffset; actualBlockWidth = 0;
bool creatingSpace = true; while (actualBlockWidth < kMinBlockWidth || !creatingSpace) {
// Space if (creatingSpace) { float spaceWidth = Random.Range(actualBlockMinSpaceWidth, actualBlockMaxSpaceWidth); offset += spaceWidth; actualBlockWidth += spaceWidth; } // Building else { if (numberOfActualBlockBuildings == kMaxBlockBuildings - 1) { break; } else { float buildingWidth = Random.Range(actualBlockMinBuildingWidth, actualBlockMaxBuildingWidth);
if (activeBlockIndex % 4 == 0) { lastBuildingGround += actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference * 0.3f; buildingWidth = actualBlockMinBuildingWidth * 1.2f; } else if ((activeBlockIndex - 2) % 4 == 0 && activeBlockIndex > 4) { lastBuildingGround -= actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference * 0.2f; buildingWidth = actualBlockMinBuildingWidth * 1.7f; } else { lastBuildingGround += Random.Range(-actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference, actualBlockMaxBuildingGroundDifference); }
if (lastBuildingGround < kMinBuildingGround) { lastBuildingGround = kMinBuildingGround; } else if (lastBuildingGround > kMaxBuildingGround) { lastBuildingGround = kMaxBuildingGround; }
ElementColor color = (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0) ? ElementColor.Red : ElementColor.Green; Transform building = (color == ElementColor.Red ? redBuilding : greenBuilding); Transform newBuilding = (Transform)Instantiate(building, new Vector3((offset + buildingWidth * 0.5f), lastBuildingGround - 25.0f, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity); newBuilding.transform.localScale = new Vector3(buildingWidth, 50.0f, 0.2f); actualBlockBuildings[numberOfActualBlockBuildings] = newBuilding; actualBlockBuildingColors[numberOfActualBlockBuildings] = color; numberOfActualBlockBuildings++; offset += buildingWidth; actualBlockWidth += buildingWidth; } }
creatingSpace = !creatingSpace; }
Vector3 bgBuildingsPos = newBackgroundBuildings.position; bgBuildingsPos.x = actualBlockOffset + actualBlockWidth * 0.5f; newBackgroundBuildings.position = bgBuildingsPos;
Vector3 bgBuildingsScale = newBackgroundBuildings.localScale; bgBuildingsScale.x = actualBlockWidth; newBackgroundBuildings.localScale = bgBuildingsScale;
activeBlockIndex++; }
void CreateFailDebris() { for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { Vector3 pos = Random.onUnitSphere * 0.2f + avatar.position; Rigidbody debris = (Rigidbody)Instantiate(avatarDebris, pos, Quaternion.identity); debris.AddForce(new Vector3(avatarSpeed * 40.0f, avatarYVelocity * 20.0f, 0.0f)); MeshRenderer debrisMeshRenderer = debris.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); if (avatarColor == ElementColor.Green) { debrisMeshRenderer.material = greenMaterial; } else { debrisMeshRenderer.material = redMaterial; } } }
Transform GetBuildingForIdx(int buildingIdx) {
if (buildingIdx < numberOfOldBlockBuildings) { return oldBlockBuildings[buildingIdx]; } else { return actualBlockBuildings[buildingIdx - numberOfOldBlockBuildings]; } }
ElementColor GetBuildingColorForIdx(int buildingIdx) { if (buildingIdx < numberOfOldBlockBuildings) { return oldBlockBuildingColors[buildingIdx]; } else { return actualBlockBuildingColors[buildingIdx - numberOfOldBlockBuildings]; } }
Transform GetActiveBuilding() {
Transform nextBuilding = GetBuildingForIdx(activeBuildingIndex + 1); while (avatar.position.x + avatar.localScale.x * 0.5f > nextBuilding.position.x - nextBuilding.localScale.x * 0.5f) { activeBuildingIndex++; nextBuilding = GetBuildingForIdx(activeBuildingIndex + 1); } return GetBuildingForIdx(activeBuildingIndex); }
ElementColor GetActiveBuildingColor() {
Transform nextBuilding = GetBuildingForIdx(activeBuildingIndex + 1); while (avatar.position.x + avatar.localScale.x * 0.5f > nextBuilding.position.x - nextBuilding.localScale.x * 0.5f) { activeBuildingIndex++; nextBuilding = GetBuildingForIdx(activeBuildingIndex + 1); } return GetBuildingColorForIdx(activeBuildingIndex); }
Transform GetNextBuilding() {
int nextBuildingIndex = activeBuildingIndex + 1; Transform nextBuilding = GetBuildingForIdx(nextBuildingIndex); while (avatar.position.x + avatar.localScale.x * 0.5f > nextBuilding.position.x - nextBuilding.localScale.x * 0.5f) { nextBuildingIndex++; nextBuilding = GetBuildingForIdx(nextBuildingIndex); } return nextBuilding; }
bool IsAvatarInActiveBuildingColumn() {
Transform activeBuilding = GetActiveBuilding(); return (avatar.position.x - avatar.localScale.x * 0.5 < activeBuilding.position.x + activeBuilding.localScale.x * 0.5f); }
float GetActiveBuildingGroundPosition() {
Transform activeBuilding = GetActiveBuilding(); return activeBuilding.position.y + activeBuilding.localScale.y * 0.5f; }
float GetNextBuildingGroundPosition() {
Transform nextBuilding = GetNextBuilding(); return nextBuilding.position.y + nextBuilding.localScale.y * 0.5f; } }
Сообщение отредактировал Leon510 - Среда, 12 Марта 2014, 00:00 |
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Leon510 | Дата: Пятница, 14 Февраля 2014, 17:55 | Сообщение # 18 | Тема: Нужна помощь в редактировании скрипта |
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| ПЛИЗ,если кто то знает много про скриптирование unity3d,то помогите с тач управлением! У нас есть два скрипта,один с тачем,другой - главный скрипт игры(там управление на кнопки). Нужно тач запихать в скрипт...
Если можете чем то помочь,пишите мне на http://vk.com/l.lyovin. Вот скрипты: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8vYDlqGOoTANG1EMEFNQmljcFE/edit?usp=sharing
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Leon510 | Дата: Пятница, 14 Февраля 2014, 17:53 | Сообщение # 19 | Тема: Мобильные сложности |
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| ПЛИЗ,если кто то знает много про скриптирование unity3d,то помогите с тач управлением! У нас есть два скрипта,один с тачем,другой - главный скрипт игры(там управление на кнопки). Нужно тач запихать в скрипт...
Если можете чем то помочь,пишите мне на http://vk.com/l.lyovin. Вот скрипты: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8vYDlqGOoTANG1EMEFNQmljcFE/edit?usp=sharing
Огромное спасибо пользователю NEBR за предоставление информации!
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Leon510 | Дата: Среда, 12 Февраля 2014, 21:13 | Сообщение # 20 | Тема: Вопрос-[ответ] по Unity |
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| Народ,тут такое дело... У меня большой стаж в моддинге и игрострое (для пк). Решили в нашей игровой компании делать под android и ios...
А то кучу уроков перерыли и все неработают как надо...
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